Askås and Rule integration
When you integrate Askås with Rule, you can take advantage of the advantages of both platforms. Askås helps you gain insights into what your customers are interested in on your e-commerce with the help of thorough analyses. When customers do something on your e-commerce, they leave a digital footprint in the form of data, which is then automatically pushed into your Rule account. With the help of that data, you can then create tailored communication and, in this way, get more satisfied and loyal customers.
Askås is a SAAS service that has been involved in digital development for over two decades. They offer complete e-commerce and tailored solutions according to your needs and preferences. Askå’s platform provides a range of functions that allow you as an e-retailer to work in more innovative and productive ways. It doesn’t matter if you are a newly started e-commerce or if you run a larger and more established business. Askås will help you with your e-commerce journey from where you are now.

With our Askås and Rule integration, you can gain deeper insight into what your customers are interested in. With the help of data collected through your e-commerce in the form of digital footprints that the customer leaves behind, you can create customer segments in Rule. Thus, you can start personalizing offers and product recommendations to your visitors and customers, creating longer customer relationships and increasing your digital growth.
- Create automated communication with our Marketing Automation tool that is triggered by data from your e-commerce.
- Increase your sales by combining your email marketing with SMS sending.
When you integrate Askås with Rule, you can:
- Expand the customer club and build customer loyalty
- Follow up on an abandoned shopping cart
- Send back in-stock notifications
- Combine email and SMS communication
- Win back the customer’s interest with win back email
- Create advanced communication using hyper personalization