In the first part of our Brand Style & Identity series, we learned why it is important to have a strong brand identity and which pillars you should include. In this post, Simon Andersson at NOA Ignite reveals the most burning questions about branding. Why is it important to know how one’s brand is perceived externally? And above all, what role does a clear and identifiable brand experience play? tay tuned as we dive into how to create a brand that not only impresses but is also imbued with the company’s soul.
Tell us about your company and what you work on
We at NoA Ignite help our clients design and build strong branding user experiences in e-commerce, digital products, and services. Our focus is to make unique experiences that create recognition, user joy, and engagement by translating the brand’s purpose, vision, and personality into aesthetic, functional, and emotional attributes. Something that helps our customers build growth even in the long term.
Why is it important to have a strong brand experience, and what are the most common challenges when creating brand experiences?
Well-functioning, efficient e-commerce stores, digital services, and products are abundant today. So to succeed in standing out, regardless of segment, it is required that you succeed in building a solid relationship with your users and customers. That relationship is not only made based on convenience, flexibility, and range but based on emotional factors. Therefore, today’s brands must constantly be relevant to customers and show the way They need to build preference for their brand by offering added value beyond the product/service.
Five factors and challenges that are crucial for our customers' projects to be successful:
- Not letting technology drive the customer experience. It may be easier said than done, but to get the best conditions, the requirements placed on the expertise must dictate the states for which technical choices we make together with the customer.
- Getting to know the end user well enough to be relevant at all times and learn how to exceed their expectations with new innovative solutions relevant to both the customer and the brand.
- Being able to combine incremental improvement with innovation. To be creative, create innovative solutions that put the brand on the map, and optimize and improve these solutions over time with the help of data and new customer insights.
- To boil down the essence of the brand’s purpose and vision and deliver an experience that communicates what the brand stands for and makes the customer feel invited to join the journey: aspiration and inspiration.
- To work with high momentum in a tight, cross-functional team with the client rather than as an agency/client. Then we increase the accuracy of both the end customer’s and the organization’s internal goals because we can learn more and faster from each other.

How do you capture the company's unique values & how do you help companies differentiate themselves from their competitors through brand experiences?
We always start our projects by getting to know the customer, their products, vision, and organization in depth, often through joint activities where we can test the products or services and interview those involved in creating them. All so that we can, in the best way possible, create an experience that clearly communicates the brand’s personality, purpose, and vision throughout the entire experience. It is about sorting and simplifying with the customer what is to be communicated and translating the customer’s primary brand stories into function, aesthetics, and content that will be unique and engaging for the end user.
Can you give examples of some previous brand experiences you have worked with
NOA Ignite has helped several of our mutual clients design, build and improve their online shopping and branding experience. Cake and Our Legacy are examples of these. All these brands today have powerful brand experiences that enable customers to associate various elements with their brands quickly. Recognition has many positive benefits, including repeat purchases, trust building, and strong customer loyalty.
Want to improve your brand experience? Look here!
Do you want help with this, or you are in a situation where you are starting a brand, or you want to improve or change your existing brand experience – do not hesitate to contact the team at Noa Ignite!
Psst, In the next part of our series, we will present our brand style and how you can create your brand profile inside the Rule platform. Awesome huh?