Digital receipts through Rule
Digital receipts are not just a convenient way to keep track of transactions that make it easier for you and your customers. A digital receipt can also be a part of building a better customer relationship because it gives you data that you can use. With digital receipts, the manual work can also be reduced. All forms of automation mean a saving of resources in the long run.

Digital receipts are attractive to your customers
Digital receipts create value for both companies and consumers. Surveys show that they are becoming increasingly in demand. Instead of getting a paper receipt that is difficult to keep track of, many customers prefer to receive a digital receipt through SMS or email. It simply adds value to the transaction.
All exchanges you have with your customers are part of the customer experience and smart receipts can contribute to customers getting a positive experience of your company. Here are some of the benefits of digital receipts from the customer’s perspective:
- They are easy to keep track of
- They provide a better financial overview
- Digital receipt can also be personalized
- Without paper receipts, there will be more space in the wallet
- Digital receipts are always quickly available
- It’s environmentally friendly
- Having better control of receipts means better control of warranty times
A digital receipt also signals that the company that sends the receipt is good at digitization and is at the forefront of development. For corporate customers, digital receipts have the advantage that they make it easier to handle accounting. All administration that deals with the handling of purchases and expenses can also be streamlined with smart digital receipts. A digital receipt or a smart receipt is thus a receipt that has added value compared to paper receipts. The digital receipt can also be designed in a way that harmonizes with the company’s digital presence and communication to create a better whole.

Send receipts digitally and use important order data
Target group-adapted digital communication is becoming increasingly important for most companies. In order to be able to adapt content and addresses, however, it’s required that you have access to relevant data that can be easily translated. Receipts that are saved digitally can provide just this and in themselves be a way to communicate with your customers. They contain important information about completed purchases. By utilizing important order data, you can include personalized messages in your digital receipt.
Transaction data can create business opportunities
Transaction data can create business opportunities and, for example, form the basis for personal offers and be part of the information that helps you understand what a customer may need. Today as well as in the future. It’s also about being able to create value for your customers in the form of relevant content in future contacts. To be data-driven in all communication is to act purposefully and based on a relevant analysis – instead of taking a chance. It benefits everyone, not least your customers.
Send a digital receipt through SMS from Rules platform
Digitization is a change that is being implemented on a broad front in society. The transition to digital receipts is a clear example of this. Although there may be resistance from some, this is the future. Through Rule you get access to advanced functions for digital receipts and can use them together with other digital tools. Digital receipts can be sent through SMS from Rules platform, where you also have access to a number of other tools that strengthen the company’s digital communication.

Combine receipts digitally with transactional email
Transaction emails have a very high opening frequency compared to other messages. In connection with you sending a receipt, you have an excellent opportunity for more communication. You can give a discount, market a product related to what the customer has just bought or encourage the customer to give you feedback by, for example, clicking on an icon in the email. Each interaction is an opportunity for you to convey the image that you want your customers to have of your company. With the help of Rule, a large part of your digital communication can be automated at the same time as it’s target group adapted or even personalized based on relevant customer data. This also applies to your digital receipts.