Panagora and Rule integration
With our Rule and Panagora integration, the process between your e-commerce platform and your account in Rule is automated, so you can smoothly expand your customer base with subscribers and customer club members. No two customers are the same, so why should their customer experiences be? When you integrate Panagora with Rule, you can leverage key customer insights and valuable order data from your online store to deliver personalized communications throughout the customer journey. This way, you can build long-term customer relationships and increase digital growth.
About Panagora
Panagora delivers user-friendly and scalable e-commerce solutions with the consumer in focus. They help their customers deliver seamless and meaningful online experiences with cutting-edge technology. Their goal is that online shopping should be fun and, at the same time, increase growth. Suppose you want to establish yourself in other countries. In that case, they already have expertise regarding languages, currencies, shipping options, and payments so that everything will go as smoothly as possible for you.

About Panagora and Rule integration
When you integrate Panagora with Rule, order data such as recent purchases, product categories the customer has shown interest in, and engagement data from your Panagora store are sent to your Rule account. You can create customer segments using order data and personalize offers and recommendations. By utilizing relevant data in your marketing and communication, you will increase your e-commerce sales.
- Sen automated messages like digital receipts and transaction notifications.
- Our advanced technology allows you to take personalized communication one step further by using hyper-personalization.
When you integrate Panagora with Rule, you can:
- Capture new subscribers and customer club members
- Expand the customer club and build customer loyalty
- Send “back in stock” notifications
- Send SMS communication to your customers
- Strategic Win back communication
- Send digital receipts and transaction emails
- Hyper-personalize your messages