Vendre and Rule integration
With the integration between Rule and Vendre, you can automatically sync and send events in your webshop directly to your account in Rule. In this way, you can easily reach out to customers with your messages via e-mail marketing and SMS sending. Process your customers right after they shop in your shop using automation in Rule based on purchase behavior data from your store. This way, you can communicate more accurately and more personalized with your customers, increasing customer loyalty.
Vendre is a complete e-commerce platform that contains all the components you need to run e-commerce, regardless of whether you sell b2c, b2b, or your brand. With Vendre, you will not need other systems to run and develop your e-commerce but will have the opportunity to connect to all external services you want via a completely open API. With the help of Vendre’s ecosystem of partners, connected business systems & consultants, Vendre becomes a crucial piece of the puzzle in your business and for your customers.

Through our integration between Rule and Vendre, e-retailers can efficiently and effectively segment and personalize their communication with their customers to increase loyalty, conversion rate, and thus their digital growth. Sync and send over events in your webshop automatically, directly into your account in Rule and tailor your digital e-mail and SMS communication.
- Utilize order data collected from the e-commerce site and tailor your digital communication.
- Capture new subscribers and customer club members from your e-commerce and send these automatically to your Rule account
When you integrate Vendre with Rule, you can:
- Expand the customer club and build customer loyalty
- Follow up on an abandoned shopping cart
- Send back in-stock notifications
- Combine email and SMS communication
- Win back the customer’s interest with win back email
- Create advanced communication using hyper personalization