Sitoo and Rule integration
With Sitoo, you can create an interaction between the physical and online stores with our ready integration to Sitoo. The integration makes it possible to insert customer data directly from the physical stores and order data from the online stores into your Rule account. This data lays the foundation for advanced segmentation and personalized customer journeys. With our complete Sitoo integration, you can merge data from your checkout system with data from the online store and start applying what everyone is talking about: Omnichannel communication.
About Sitoo
What is Sitoo? Sitoo is a fast-growing technology company whose solution is to unite physical and digital retail. Sitoo provides an international cloud-based sales/cash register system that helps retail chains grow by digitizing physical stores. Sitoo enables retailers to adapt to new shopping behaviors by removing barriers between all stores and online sales channels in real-time.

About Sitoo and Rule integration
With our complete Sitoo integration, you can merge data from your checkout system with data from the online store and collect it in Rule. By building a strategy based on the customer’s physical and online behavior, you can create loyalty and customer club programs in Rule and start using hyper-personalization in your communications. With Rules Marketing Automation tool, you can set up automation flows and communicate messages such as “Thank you for your purchase”, retention and win back mail.
- Create automated communication with our Marketing Automation tool that is triggered by data from your Sitoo account that enters your Rule account.
- Improve the customer experience and deliver a seamless and customized experience with your brand.
When you integrate Sitoo with Rule, you can:
- Manage bonus checks directly at the checkout
- Sync historical orders from Sitoo to Rule
- Improve the customer experience with omnichannel marketing.
- Pick up phone numbers from checkout sent to your Rule account so you can send exclusive SMS offers.