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Trustpilot and Rule integration

With Trustpilot and Rule integrated, you can collect opinions from your customers after they complete a purchase. It helps you understand your customers better and how they experience your company, and you can thus create even better and more targeted communication with them in the future. By integrating Rule and Trustpilot, you can also use and portray your positive reviews in the footer of your mailings as a rating, which will lead to increased trust and, thus, more conversions.

About Trustpilot

Trustpilot is a review platform where you can leave reviews about various companies and services online. It is an independent third-party service allowing customers worldwide to leave reviews and feedback about different companies and their offerings. These reviews give other potential customers an idea of the company’s reputation and the quality of its products or services. It also helps companies understand and improve their customer relationships and the products they offer by collecting and processing the feedback they receive.

Back in stock email

With Trustpilot and Rule integrated, you can use your reviews as a rating in your emails. This results in increased credibility for the company and thus increases your opportunities for sales. Through the integration, you can send review emails directly from our platform when someone has completed an order in your store. This helps you understand what your customers thought of the experience with your company.

When you integrate Trustpilot with Rule, you can:

marketing automation

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