Wikinggruppen and Rule integration
Wikinggruppen offers complete solutions and system development for all types of e-retailers. When you integrate Wikinggruppen with Rule, your customer data, such as order history, behavior, and customer behavior, is automatically synced into your Rule account. You can analyze and capture essential insights from customers’ data on your website. You can then easily segment your customers within Rule to deliver uniquely tailored communications based on behavior and preferences.
Wikinggruppen is one of Sweden’s largest e-commerce suppliers. They offer various services to make it easy for you as a customer to start your e-commerce journey. Based on your wishes and preferences, they help you create e-commerce that suits you. Do you want it to be graphically appealing, adapted to the desired target group, or an easy-to-use webshop? Wikinggruppen helps you regardless. Their goal is that online shopping should be fun and smooth but, at the same time, profitable for you as an e-retailer.

When you integrate Wikinggruppen with Rule, order data such as recent purchases, product categories in which the customer has shown interest, and engagement data from your Wikinggruppen store are sent to your Rule account. You can create customer segments using order data and personalize offers and recommendations. By utilizing relevant data in your marketing and communication, you will increase your e-commerce sales faster.
- Win back the customer’s interest through strategic Win Back communication in the form of personalized product experiences.
- Create automated communication with our Marketing Automation tool that is triggered by data from your Wikinggruppen online store.
When you integrate Wikinggruppen with Rule, you can:
- Expand the customer club and build customer loyalty
- Follow up on an abandoned shopping cart
- Send back in-stock notifications
- Combine email and SMS communication
- Win back the customer’s interest with win back email
- Create advanced communication using hyper personalization